Encountering God

Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:12-13

I believe that encounters with the living God can change lives. Now a testimony of this truth has been indelibly etched upon my own heart. This time last year, I had an encounter with God at a beautifully renovated barn in Louisville, Kentucky. This encounter became the birthplace for personal renewal in my life. Let me tell you about it.

By the middle of last year, I had become weary and weathered after enduring a couple of particularly difficult years. Two uniquely demanding roles in the church and the arts, along with my wonderful young family were all keeping me very busy. The truth is, I was disappointed with God. I had just lost two friends to severe illnesses within a two-month period, leaving me emotionally drained and spiritually numb. I knew that I needed a prayer retreat to recalibrate my heart, but life just kept humming along at breakneck pace. It was time to do something intentional to seek the Lord. 

So I took a journey to Louisville, KY to visit some wonderful friends who founded a ministry called Iron Bell (check them out at http://www.ironbellministries.org/about). Iron Bell cultivates a lifestyle of intimacy with God with prayer retreats, leadership summits and incredible worship nights. I thought I was going there to seek the Lord for direction in my life, but God had other plans. 

The retreat began on a Wednesday morning with a scheduled prayer session. I was told to be at the barn by 7:30am so a ministry team could pray over me. This team was made up of some dear friends and perfect strangers. Those who didn’t know me were only given my name, “A.J.”, and knew nothing about my life or circumstances as they listened to God on my behalf. One member of the team was a worship leader named Stephen. We met for the first time that morning, and he shared a powerful prophetic vision with me in prayer. 

In the vision, Stephen said that he saw me as a little boy building legos on the floor. I kept building them up and knocking them down, saying, “It’s not good enough!” Then the Lord came into the room and took me by the hand, leading me up a set of stairs into an art gallery. God began to show me many different pictures on the wall, and pointed them out to me one at a time saying, “Remember when we made this together?” and, “Let me tell what I love about this one,” describing the works we had created together. The Lord gave me a loving rebuke in the vision, saying to me, “You don’t get to decide whether things you make are good or not. I affirm you, A.J., I tell you what’s good. Ask me what I think and I will tell you. Spend time with me, abide in me, and you will bear much fruit.” 

That word was so powerful to me in a time when I was struggling with my calling as an artist and a pastor and unsure about God's direction for my life. Here was God encountering me through a perfect stranger, and telling me that He knows me, has plans for me, and that He loves and affirms me. 

A pastoral counselor named Tony was on my prayer team as well. He picked up where Stephen left off, sharing with me that he'd been praying for me in the morning and happened to hear the news that Yogi Berra had just died. Tony always loved the way Yogi could turn a phrase, and as he thought about it, he heard this phrase for me, “You need to try hard to stop trying so hard.” He shared the words of John 15:5 with me, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”  Tony continued by telling me that God was giving me a new name, and read on to John 15:11, where Jesus says, “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.” Tony said, “A.J. as you spend time with God and stay connected to Him, the fruit of that connection will be, “All-Joy.”  

Through this time of prayer, God was lovingly dealing with my lifelong issue of striving. I was reminded that God knows me intimately, and He’s the one who tells me what’s good and valuable. I was given a new name, All-Joy, to serve as a daily reminder to stay connected to Jesus, and abide in Him. My struggles with performance and perfectionism had been unmasked and ministered to in one fell swoop, all before breakfast. And the Father was inviting me to enter into His rest and walk with Him. Tony said, “there are empty stanchions in the art gallery, more things that God desires to create with you, A.J., as you co-labor with Him.” I’ll never forget that. 

I received many other powerful and comforting words through prayer that morning, but I wanted to share this prophetic vision with you as a testimony of how God encountered me in Louisville. I am so deeply grateful to the prayer team at Iron Bell for seeking the Lord on my behalf. I will never be the same again after this word was spoken over my life. Now I am All-Joy!

I believe that God wants to speak to you as well. He knows you, He loves, you, and has plans for your life. Maybe it’s time for you to step away from the busy-ness to ask the Lord what He thinks about you. Remember, it only takes one encounter with the living God to change everything. 

Our God Hears,


Are You Talking to Me?

Gideon son of Joash was threshing wheat at the bottom of a winepress to hide the grain from the Midianites. The angel of the Lord appeared to him and said, “Mighty hero, the Lord is with you!” — Judges 6:11b-12

The story of Gideon in the book of Judges (Chapters 6-8) is an extraordinary tale of transformation and victory. It’s got everything a great story entails — intimidating adversaries, an unlikely hero with a broken identity, overwhelming circumstances with incredible odds, and an epic rise to glory. Get me a bucket of popcorn. I’m ready to watch the movie! 

Israel’s story in the book of Judges is a circular tragedy of national rebellion against God resulting in oppression at the hands of enemies, an eventual cry for help to the Lord, and His divine response to raise up a man or woman as deliverer. In this case, God’s man is Gideon. And he’s the perfect warrior for the Lord. You know, the kind who’s hiding scared in a winepress, looking over his shoulder and questioning the voice of God. 

Yeah, Gideon’s got some issues, and that’s exactly why we love him so much. 

I know what you’re thinking. What does all this have to do with my prayer life? I suggest it has everything to do with how you relate to God. Like Gideon, we also struggle with our identity, face huge obstacles, and question God’s voice and direction for our lives. Yet, hidden within the winepress with Gideon is a wonderful truth for us to encounter. And here it is … God views you very differently from how you view yourself, and He speaks to you on the basis of how He sees you. 

Here’s the context in Judges 6:6-16. God sends an angel to meet with Gideon in the midst of his crisis of security and provision. But God chooses to speak to him on the basis of who he is becoming, not the frightened man he sees cowering before him. In other words, God looks beyond Gideon’s current condition to see his potential, because the God of Gideon’s destiny knows there’s a mighty warrior locked inside this chronic worrier. The application point is this. When God speaks to us, we discover who we really are and receive an invitation to come out of hiding so we can live out our calling. That’s if we are willing to listen to His voice and trust Him!

The truth is that the Father wants to relate to you on the basis of your identity in Christ, not based on your current circumstances or past wounds. He’s calling you out of your hurts and hiding onto the battlefield of life, where you gain victory through the authority of Christ. The Father is searching the earth looking for sons and daughters who will put their trust in Him no matter the circumstance. This is where He gets the greatest glory as we trust Him with radical odds and unsolvable circumstances. Gideon’s little army of 300 skilled water-scoopers (apparently an essential skill when chasing down your enemy) routed vast enemy armies totaling over 120,000. That’s right, those are 400 to 1 odds. There’s no mistaking who gets the glory in this story! 

The odds may be stacked against you right now, but God sees your predicament as an opportunity to show you who you really are. He wants to say to you, “Mighty hero, the Lord is with you!” So draw near to the voice of your God this week, and discover the confidence to live out your calling in Christ. The world is waiting for a new hero to rise.  

Our God Hears, 


Sacred Echoes

“Lord, in the morning you will hear me; in the morning I will present my case to you and then wait expectantly for an answer.” Psalm 5:3 NET

Over this past week, I found myself in three different scenarios, yet each one resonated with a distinct confirmation that the Lord sees me, hears me and cares about my concerns. They felt like holy moments between God and me — sensing His presence and hearing His voice speak to me through others, who confirmed things that were on my heart, though not shared. 

Christian author and speaker Margaret Feinberg uses the words “sacred echoes” to describe “moments where God speaks the same message again and again to your heart. He often uses the repetition of a phrase, word or idea represented in Scripture not only to get, but keep, our attention.”

For me, this week has been filled with sacred echoes that have felt like abundant rain in a parched desert. God has been speaking very clearly to encourage me that He sees me and hears me. 

The referenced Scripture reassures us that the Lord hears us and then that we are to wait expectantly for an answer. My sacred echoes from this past week have brought this Scripture alive to me in a fresh way. It inspires me to look expectantly for those sacred echoes that the Lord has specifically for me. 

Will you join me in waiting expectantly for those moments – where the “persistent voice of God” reminds us that He is with us, that He is faithful and that He is fighting on our behalf?

Our God truly hears and sees,

Lynne Bauman 

Delighting in the Word

“Blessed is the one … whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on His law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yield its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither — whatever they do prospers.” Psalm 1:1-3 (NIV)

“When I discovered Your words, I devoured them. They are my joy and my heart’s delight, for I bear Your name, O LORD God of Heaven’s Armies.” Jeremiah 15:16 (NLT)

God sent the Word and, through Him, all the families of the earth were blessed. Jesus modeled being anchored in Scripture by using it powerfully. (Luke 4:1-13) When we choose to feast on His Word, we gain insight into the heart and mind of Jesus. Embracing the hidden place of sweet communion with our Savior, we’re not only filled with joy, but we also learn to discern His Word.

Isn’t it fascinating how the same verse from a morning quiet time will cascade throughout the day? When the Holy Spirit illuminates a word, we want more. The more we abide in the Word with steadfast devotion, the more confidently we take up the Sword of the Spirit to intercede for others. Often, the Lord brings a word to mind that ministers His hope and reassurance to encourage someone. Are you waiting for a word from the Lord? Keep looking to the Word and keep listening. You don’t want to miss it!

When the truths of the Living Word are written deeply on our hearts, then we will thrive like trees with roots reaching deeply into the Living Water. No matter what life’s seasons bring us, we will remain hopeful and confident, standing on the truth of Scripture. By continually producing fruit by His Spirit working in and through us, we’ll impact lives for His Kingdom. (Jeremiah 17:7-8)

-Barb Wibling

Mirror, Mirror

“But don’t just listen to God’s Word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves. For if you listen to the Word and don’t obey, it is like glancing at your face in a mirror. You see yourself, walk away, and forget what you look like. But if you look carefully into the perfect law that sets you free, and if you do what it says and don’t forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it. — James 1:22-25

God has been challenging me lately from this passage in James. As I read His Word, do I really believe what it says? Do I live like I believe His words are true?

I love to read passages of Scripture from different versions of the Bible. This often gives me a fresh outlook on a familiar passage. Recently, I looked at Ephesians 1 from The Message version. As I did, I sensed the Lord encouraging me, “Personalize it, read it out loud to yourself, and then declare it over those you are praying for.” Here’s a sample of what this sounded like:

God is the Father of [my] Master, Jesus Christ, and He takes [me] to the high places of blessing in Him. Long before He laid down earth’s foundations, He had [me] in mind, had settled on [me] as the focus of His love, to be made whole and holy by His love. Long, long ago He decided to adopt [me] into His family through Jesus Christ. (What pleasure He took in planning this!) He wanted [me] to enter into the celebration of His lavish gift-giving by the hand of His beloved Son. — Ephesians 1:3-6 MSG (personalized)

After going through this exercise, I sensed the Lord steering me back to the passage in James and asking me, “Can you look in the mirror and read these verses from Ephesians to yourself? Can you receive what I’m saying about you?” I realize that part of obedience is receiving in my own heart the identity bestowed upon me by my heavenly Father, and then living like a child who knows she is the focus of her Father's love.

How often I forget who I am – and I bet I’m not alone.

Will you take the mirror challenge with me?

Karen Sergey