Jesus is the Life Gate

“Open to me the gates of righteousness; I will go through them, and I will praise the LORD. This is the gate of the LORD, through which the righteous shall enter. I will praise you, for you have answered me, and have become my salvation.” Psalm118:19-21 (NKJV)

“Yes, I am the gate. Those who come through me will be saved. They will come and go freely and will find good pastures.” John 10:9 (NLT)

Jesus came to liberate us by providing the way for us to come to the Father. We have freedom to come in and go out so that we “may have life, and have it until it overflows.” (John 10:10) 

Is your heart burning with love for Him for all He has done?

As we enjoy His holy presence, God’s deepest things are revealed to us by His Spirit. We are empowered to pray confidently, approaching His throne of grace boldly (Hebrews 4:16). But are we willing to invest our time and tears in sacrificial prayer? When we prevail in prayer to discover His will, are we willing to obey whatever He tells us?

During the planning of a 1954 evangelist crusade in London, England, Billy Graham’s team faced giant opposition. Instead of succumbing to discouragement, Billy Graham fought the battle on his knees. Written by one of New England’s prolific hymn writers, Fanny Crosby, “To God Be the Glory” was suggested for the event. This hymn, describing Jesus as the “life gate,” became the crusade’s theme song. The Lord answered the prayers of His people by extending the crusade for three months, sparking a revival-like reaction in England. 

May our thankful hearts unite in adoration for Jesus the life gate, as we joyfully sing the hymn’s refrain: “… O come to the Father through Jesus the Son, and give Him the glory, great things He has done.”

Barb Wibling